View the final video submissions for the 2024 PTC Middle School Contest here!
- Teams are given the opportunity to appreciate each other’s work by voting on their favorite presentation.
- Review each other’s final presentation to gain exposure to diverse designs of a smart energy management system
- Meet and discuss what different team members think other teams did well in their presentations
Now that every team has submitted their final design video presentation, we ask you to spend some time reviewing each other’s work. You will not be grading other presentations, just gaining some exposure to each other’s different ideas and approaches to designing a smart energy management system, as well as everyone’s styles of giving the presentation.
Use this link to access a playlist of all the final presentation videos that different teams submitted:
Instructions: Watch all the videos from schools other than your own. Then, meet with your team to discuss what impressed you about other teams’ presentations.
Write your positive comments about the presentation you each chose as your favorite, using the bulleted lists below. It’s ok if your different team members have a different favorite video.
Team member 1 initials: ______ Favorite team presentation: ____________
Team member 2 initials: ______ Favorite team presentation: ____________
Team member 3 initials: ______ Favorite team presentation: ____________
Team member 4 initials: ______ Favorite team presentation: ____________
Once your team has discussed the different presentations and you’ve each decided on your favorite, each of you can “like” your favorite video on the playlist!